by Aline Savoie
Moose collisions happen so often while driving it is unbelievable!
This is a ride me and my husband took one day to get to my relatives for a holiday reunion on New Year's Day and we had to drive at least 4 hours.
On our trip it was a snowy day as you can see by the pictures we arrive on 3 identical bull moose's… well almost identical. One had a horn missing as you can see again, so good thing the weather was not that good that day we were driving slower than normally in order to avoid moose collisions. This route we took we knew there is a lot of moose's around and we were more careful while driving.
My dad experienced a moose collision during driving about 2 years ago and survived it, how lucky he was that day! The moose flew over his truck just hit the top of the roof leaving him with minor injuries, so always be careful while driving there are big animal and can still surprise you.
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