Spooked Moose and Second Rut

by Ed
(Saskatchewan )

Nice Bull

Nice Bull

Hello, I'm new to hunting. The moose rut has been over for a month in my area. I was hunting whitetail the other day and happened to spook 3 moose: 1 cow, one bull and 1 unidentified.
My question is: what is the chance of the moose coming back to that area and if there's a second rut since I heard the bull raking?

You Find Them Where You Find Them

Ed, with the rut over and likely the second is over as well, you are just going to find moose wherever you find them. I think seeing a bull hanging with a cow at this time of year was lucky.

After the rut bulls will form bachelor groups and move to higher ground. They don't usually seek out cows and the cows will be shunning bulls as they are not likely in estrus. Even the second estrus that can happen with cow moose would be over by late October.
There have been many studies that show the breeding season for moose is extremely short. Combining the results from studies BC, Alaska and Manitoba the breeding range is from September 29th to October 12th. Further studies of embryos show that 89% of cows conceived within a 10 day timespan.
Out of season breeding is extremely rare.

~ Mark - The Mooseman

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