My first Moose

by Metto

My First Moose

My First Moose

My Dad took me Moose hunting at a lake and We got there when it was still dark. We put our boat in the water and waited until daylight, then we could see seven Moose on the other side of the lake. One was a Bull. We paddled the boat to the other side of the lake in the boat. When we got close enough my dad said shoot the Bull. I got my first Moose. It was very exciting.

Comments for My first Moose

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Thank you for your submission
by: Mark - Site Owner

What a great story, I hope you continue to follow your dream. Your Dad must have been proud of you!

Did you float your moose back? Did you know that moose float if they haven't been cleaned yet?

Good moose hunting tip.


by: Anonymous

Talk about an ear to ear grin there !! No doubt that would be the high lite of your young hunting career. Imagine seeing 7 moose all at one time !
Young hunters like yourself would see the point of conservation if they would like to continue hunting... Good on ya!!

Congratulations on your first Moose
by: Anonymous

You look very happy in your picture,I hope you keep up Moose Hunting (and other types of hunting). The number of hunters in Canada has been dropping and we need more young people taking up the sport. Encourage your friends to hunt too!

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