Moose tracks?

by Craig
(Waterboro, me)

Moose Track or ?

Moose Track or ?

Found these in my yard and I am curious on if it is a moose track or a large deer track.

That looks like it could have been made by a younger moose, but it is most likely not from an adult moose. Adult moose tracks tend to be quite a bit longer.

There is also the distinct possibility that your track in question came from an elk.

Do you have moose and or elk living in your area?

~ Mark

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Must be moose then.
by: Craig

No elk in the area. Definitely Moose and deer in the area. I thought as well that if it was a Moose it was a young Moose. If a deer I figured a rather large buck. I found it in the Spring time in southern Maine.

Looks like elk to me
by: Anonymous

That looks like an elk track to me. Elk tend to be rounder at the tip and shorter than moose. Moose tracks are typically very clearly defined with sharp points at the tip and an adult moose track is easily twice to three times the size of the track in the picture.

Just because elk aren't indigenous to your area doesn't mean they haven't passed through. Or, moved into the area. I know where I was born/raised (SK) the populations of moose have grown and expanded south from the boreal forest and can be found quite a bit south of where one would "normally" expect to find moose. They've even opened up moose hunts in zones that never had them before.

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