Moose track ID

by Rachel
(Colorado Springs, CO, USA)

Is this a moose track?

Is this a moose track?

So I found this track on the bank of a river. It’s relatively deep and a little bigger than my hand, and is shaped like a moose track. However, there are some strange indents on the side of the hoof. The bank was relatively soft and sandy. Is this a moose track, and if so why are there indents? I attached a picture


Thanks for the submission Rachel. I can't be certain that your picture is from a moose, but if it is, it is likely from a young or yearling moose.
I imagine the ground was soft when the animal walked there, so there was a bit of ground slippage happening therefore the print is not super clear.
I think the "strange indents" are from where the dewclaws struck the ground.
If you have anymore photos that may be helpful.
~ Mark - The Mooseman

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