Mexico Moose

by Jeffrey Lee Adams
(Grand Rapids, MI.)

This calf and cow moose pair can not survive in a warm climate

This calf and cow moose pair can not survive in a warm climate

I have an idea for writing a book about a moose but it all depends on one thing - can a moose survive in Mexico?

I've noticed in my initial research that they all seem to live in cold weather country like Alaska, Canada, or the U.P.

Is that the only kind of environment they can live in or can they somehow adapt to the harsher weather of Mexico and the Southwest U.S.A.?

Great question Jeffrey!

Your research has paid off. Moose cannot survive in warm climates, as a matter of fact moose go into heat stress when summer temperatures reach 65 degrees Fahrenheit and above 23 degrees in winter.

Moose are found only in the northern hemisphere predominantly in the Boreal forests. They are not usually found below central Wyoming as the habitat and temperatures there are not suitable.

~ Mark

Comments for Mexico Moose

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by: Jeffrey Lee Adams

Thank you for your answer. Looks like I'll have to write about something else.

Mosse live far South of central Wyoming.
by: Greg Greene

Utah and Colorado both have resident moose populations. Many have ventured into New Mexico over the last several years. The Rocky Mountains extend into New Mexico all the way down to Santa Fe. The moose like it here at least part time basis. The New Mexico Rockies are just a Southern extension of the Colorado Rockies. Will moose live in Northern New Mexico full time? Only time will tell.

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