The Banning of Lead Bullets

There is a new movement to ban lead bullets. Lead is toxic and can be fatal so the premise of doing away with this type of projectile is good.

In 2012 a small group of like minded sportsmen adopted the idea of doing away with lead based bullets. Nova Scotia Federation of Anglers and Hunters has begun to educate their members on the adverse effects of using lead projectiles.

At the AGM 2014 the BCWF will present a proposal to eliminate lead projectiles for hunting.

Why Shouldn't you Use Lead Bullets

Dr. Helene Van Doninck, a veterinarian raised the issue after seeing several Bald Eagles die from lead poisoning.

In British Columbia the use of lead shot for hunting migratory birds has been banned for decades and the result has been the increase in numbers of many populations.

Lead bullet fragmentation has been identified as the leading cause of illness and sometimes death in many species of animals and this also can and will effect humans.

The Nosler partition bullet with lead core and the partition that helps prevent fragmentation at the base.

The Barnes MRX bullet with Silverx core. Silverx is denser than lead.

How so?

Remember they have done away with lead based paint for a very good reason.

Studies have shown that lead bullet fragments travel further from the initial wound than previously thought. If you consume wild game there is a very real possibility that you have consumed lead fragments.

Ew, right? An accumulation of lead fragments in your system will not happen. Your digestive trac will pass them. Still though while the lead is passing through you are being exposed to lead. The toxins will be left behind.

Are you going to die?

I doubt it, unless you have been exposed to a lot of lead. However; if you consume enough lead it can make you very sick.

Children are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning but adults are at risk as well. Some symptoms of lead poisoning are: High Blood Pressure, Declines in Mental Functioning, Pain, numbness, muscular weakness, and more.

Removing the lead exposure can reduce symptoms of lead poisoning.

What Can We Do About It?

As hunters and providers of food for our families we can make the switch before it becomes law. Why wait?

Although, the law may never come I think that using an alternative to lead bullets is a good idea.

You and I both know that the consumption of lead is not good for your health. That holds true for scavengers in the wild too!

The gut pile you left behind last fall may have contained lead fragments that were consumed by: wolves, coyotes, foxes, weasels, bald eagles, ravens and many more.

These small animals out in the wilds need our protection. As stewards of our planet I think it is a good idea to do whatever we can to protect it; be proactive!

I know not all of you will be convinced. You may ask, "how can one or two bullets make a difference?"

I'll tell you... it's just like throwing a candy wrapper out your car window.

You don't do that do you? Why not?

Because you know it's not good for the environment and you want to do your part.

There are several bullet manufactures that are offering bullets in materials other than lead based, check them out, be proactive and help protect our planet.

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