Late Season Moose and Late Skinning

Late Season Moose and Late Skinning

Late Season Moose and Late Skinning

If a hunter shoots a moose on Friday and (the weather is 32F)and loads it onto his truck and hauls it home to his garage. He then waits 5 days to skin and quarter it (the weather is now above 32F), will the meat be any good?


Oh, that's not good!

How good the meat will depend on several things:
Did the moose stay in the truck in the garage?
Is the garage heated?
When you say the temp is above 32F, by how much?

Once skinning commences the person who is skinning will find out very soon if the meat has gone sour.

Follow your nose, if it stinks it's no good. Green, even worse!

I would be a real shame for this person to loose an entire moose carcass. If bone sour is suspected, follow your nose and cut out the bad parts. There could be some salvage there!

Any animal that is killed needs to be cooled as quickly as possible. Five days is too long to wait! Hopefully this person doesn't loose the entire animal... such a waste!

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Jan 28, 2016
Island Elk
by: Anonymous

What is wrong with some people.. ???

The spend 000's $$$ and plan a hunting trip for years.... Shoot nice animals ... Then they throw the meat away ...

While exploring / scouting NEW hunting areas, we came across a group of hunters waiting to get picked up by their guides. THERE WAS NO GUIDE / OUTFITTER
The GROUP of SEVEN HUNTERS. Further, they said they were waiting 3-days to get picked up (Another subject for discussion) We gave them ALL the food and water we had with us... Even offered them a ride out... They said they would wait...

Any case... They shot THREE MOOSE AND NO MEAT?
They told us it WENT ROTTEN...

WHERE were the OUTFITTERS .... ????
The group had three nice sets of horns skinned out heads / European-style!

LAST SEASON, we ran into and had chats with three small hunting groups; none of these groups had a guide with them but they said that they had been dropped off and would be picked up in a couple of days. Two of these groups had horns BUT NO MEAT...just caped out head... STRANGE?

As we scouted the area... We found THREE DEAD MOOSE: Two were caped out with no heads, one still had the head on. Illegal bull kill, I guess!

Some people pay the $$$$ and they can get away with this kinda stuff...

There is no excuses why this needs to happen.

Advice on whether to skin or not to skin... Skin the animal!!! Split it in half or quarters... Even @. 32 degrees... You want to bring the CORE TEMP down.

If the out side stays tacky.... You have ONLY hours before that meat will spoil. Put your hand on the it cool or warm? Flies are a good indication it is too warm and you beat get the meat to a cooler.

Best of luck

Dec 03, 2015
Never Wait To Skin
by: Anonymous

I would never wait 5 days with an animal that is not frozen.

We take caribou north of the arctic cirdle and temperature is usually -30 to - 40. Caribou being small freeze quickly. So we bring home and thaw out and skin asap.

But to leave an moose with hide on and not frozen I do not think will be too good.

Once the meat cools the skinning process is much harder to complete as well..

Watson Lake..

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