Is this antler description realistic?

by Glenn

Bull Moose Shedding His Velvet During Early Fall

Bull Moose Shedding His Velvet During Early Fall

I'm writing a picture book about a fox pup experiencing his first snow. It is set in the woods of the US Northeast. I imagine the snowfall occurring in mid to late October.

I currently describe the moose character as shedding his velvet by rubbing his antlers against a tree. A fellow writer noted that by this time, the moose would likely have shed its velvet already and would more likely be losing their antlers altogether.

Is it probable that an adult male would be shedding velvet during October (I saw that your 'antler' page mentions September).

It doesn't have to be exact, but it has to be realistic enough not to distract the reader.


Hi Glenn,

Thanks for the question. Your friend is correct, by the time snow has covered the ground for the winter, moose would have long since completed their velvet shedding. Most often shedding is started in August and completed in early September. This gives the antlers time to harden before they start the rut season.

They do rid themselves of the velvet by rubbing the trees and a little know fact is the moose actually get the coloring of their antlers from the trees they rub.

Depending on the bark type will determine the coloring.

Moose start loosing their antlers as early as December and all will be gone by end of February.

~ Mark - The Mooseman

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by: Anonymous

It has snowed really hard in September many years. A moose can shed velvet about the same time.

Snow in September
by: Mark - The Mooseman

True enough, if there were an early snowfall, moose could be shedding at the same time. However, in most areas, this would not be the case.
Winter snow typically comes well after the moose have shed their velvet.

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