Fall Moose Diet

by Sue

I wanted to photograph moose in the Bighorn forest in Wyoming. I was here in early summer and saw moose in several places and returned to all these places in the past few days (last week of September) and there were NO moose to be seen. In the summer they were in the willows. What do they like to eat now, first of October? And what type of terrain are they in?


Sue McCabe from Florida

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Fall Moose
by: Mark - Site Owner

Sue, you stumbled upon the very thing about moose, their diets and seasonal habitat change.

In the spring and early summer you will always find moose in the meadows and wide open spaces. As fall approaches they will move out of these areas and into the forests.

In early October, depending on your actual geographic area moose breeding season is in full swing. This means the bulls will come down out of the mountains and seek the cows that are in heat.

During this period, for the most part, bulls do not eat... or not as much as usual, they will survive from their accumulated body fat.

Cows and calves will almost always be found in the swamps and near lakes although you will not see them out feeding in the open during the day.

In the fall moose seek out seclusion, they will still feed in the open areas or I should say along the fringes of the open areas. Moose will venture into these areas about two hours before dark and feed off and on through the night, bedding occasionally to chew their cud. Moose will stay in these habitats for about the first two hours of daylight.

Unfortunately photographing moose in the fall is not as easy as in the spring. They are trying to avoid predators (human and animal) so for the most part avoid open areas. In order to photograph them you have to get out in the field early and stay late.

Try calling moose to bring in a bull to get pictures. I recently returned from a moose research trip and had some very exciting "conversations" with some moose. In the coming weeks I'll be writing and posting video of the recorded sounds of my experiences. Be sure and check out our YouTube channel for these.

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