Calling in a young bull

by Carl

Nice bull moose taken with archery equipment.

Nice bull moose taken with archery equipment.

The best moose meat is from a cow or young bull.
So the big bull is hung up but have a good chance the last day to put my tag on a young bull. Mark, how do I get the young guy to come closer to within bow range? He know big daddy is not far away.
What type of calling or noise will not intimidate?

Carl, that really is a good question.
In my view the younger bull is not easily going to show himself, it’s a matter of self preservation.
If you have a good idea as to the location of this young bull, you may be able to intercept him as he keeps his distance from the “Big Guy”.
This younger bull is only really interested in breeding a cow, so that may be your ticket. Aggressive bull sounds will only drive him off.
If the bigger bull is not coming in, maybe the young bull will venture in to take a closer look.
Try some soft whining cow calls.

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young bull
by: Carl

Well both young and this older bull came in with a cow, the younger bull actually made a few grunts and the big bull came in to challenge the younger bull and the cow watched.
I do have a picture of the bull arrowed at 20 yds

Way to go!
by: ~ Mark - The Mooseman

Well done Carl! A good plan and well executed!

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