Bull Moose Fight in the Dark

by Dave
(Mission BC)

Bull Moose Rut Behavior

Bull Moose Rut Behavior

2010 was a great year, we were able to fill both our tags in our group with nice bulls (42-44"). I had a really interesting adventure with a couple of bulls fighting over a cow and me calling in the mix too! The whole event went on right into the dark and was really a thrill! I just about got run over in the dark by one of the bulls, it was pretty wild. The whole thing went on for about 45 minutes and I never even got a shot. Of course a lot of it was in the pitch black.

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by: Mark - Site Owner

Sounds like you had a great trip. That would have been cool to hear the moose fighting like they were. Good thing the bull missed you... Ouch!! Wish I could have witnessed that too!

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