Broken Leg


Hello I moved to Norway and I hit a moose, he broke a leg and let me know if I have to kill him anyway or can survive?
They re-welded his leg alone? like other animal?

Thanks for the info!


Hi Alberto,
Thanks for your question. To answer your question, if an animal doctor (veterinarian) can fix an broken leg of a moose?
I would think that would be very difficult. A moose, being wild would be very hard to keep calm and avoid further injury to his leg. I would also think the repair would be very expensive.

I know for some animals like race horses that could still breed the doctors might try to repair the leg.

I think though, for a wild moose, the best would be to put him out of his misery because he will not be able to escape the predators that will chase him. Unless he lives in an area where there are no predators or dogs and the break is not too serious.

Maybe you should ask a local large animal veterinarian.

~ Mark

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Moose Broken with Leg
by: Sympathetic

Well I have to disagree if game wardens show up or ministry of natural resources why couldn't they just tranquilize the moose then allow the vet to set the leg or surgery?

It can be done it seems like nobody wants to even try?

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