Blade Steak

My friend gave us some moose meat, one package is labeled Moose Blade Steak,how do I cook it? Thanks so much.

Moose blade steak is also known as moose chuck steak, its cut from the shoulder blade of the animal.

This type of steak is well known as being very flavorful but not very tender. Blade steaks are delicious when they have been marinated for a long period of time. Using a marinade that has tomato base is very useful as the acid in the tomato helps to tenderize the meat.

You can also use a meat tenderizer to help soften the meat fibers. I don't meat a chemical tenderizer but rather one of those hammer style tenderizers that have a diamond pattern. Place the steak on a cutting board and hammer it on both sides to break down the fibers.

The great thing about moose chuck steak or any moose meat for that matter is you can take just about any one of your favorite beef recipes and apply it to moose meat.

One caution I give you though is DO NOT OVER COOK the meat. Moose meat is very lean (the leanest of all red meats) and will dry out quickly.
If you barbeque this blade steak be sure to cook it slowly and brush it with your marinade while it is cooking.

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Jun 18, 2014
chuck steak
by: Anonymous

Sounds like ground meat or stew meat to me. or canned meat that's the best way to look after that meat

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