Best Moose Call For Early Season

by Chris

Fiberglass Moose Calls

Fiberglass Moose Calls

What do you think is the best call for early season moose hunting? A bull challenge or cow in heat call? I’ll be going to northern BC from Sept 10 to the 24th. I think cow in heat works best for this time of year. :)

Chris, thanks for your question.

It actually depends on if the rut has started. If cows are not in estrus and the bulls are not rutting cow calls are not really all that effective...

As a whole, moose are not going to be cajoled into coming to your best moose calls… unless they are interested. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try them! A bull moose, early in rut may come to your cow-in-heat-call just as he may come to some antler crashing and branches breaking.

On the other hand, bulls that are not in rut or are in early rut will certainly investigate an intruding bull in their territory. Try thrashing a bush and rubbing trees with a shoulder blade, also antlers knocking together (same as for deer), and course bull grunts.

Use every trick in the book, many an expert (biologists too) have said that you really cannot call moose wrong.

Early season moose hunting can often just be spot and stalk. If you are fortunate enough to get some snow during the early season, you may be able to employ some tracking techniques.

If you do get snow, be prepared to put your boots to the ground and get out scouting. My experience has shown that when snow comes during the early moose hunting season the moose don’t seem to move around as much as they did before the snowfall. This usually only lasts for a few days, but when your time for moose hunting is limited, you will have to go into the thick and locate them in their home range.

I hope this information helps you decide on the best moose call for early season so you can find that early season moose.

Don’t forget to come back and tell us what worked… and what didn’t!

All the best,
"The Moose Man"

Comments for Best Moose Call For Early Season

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Early Season Moose Calling
by: Success

I have called in a 60 inch bull moose on September 3rd. I was very surprised. I used a cow call too. It took about two hours before it came out around sunset. Never hurts to try early.

by: Anonymous

You're too early. From the 18th September to the 10th of October. You should be able to kill one on the morning of the 23rd of September, from that day on. I know these things, but it's up to you. You know best. dan click

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