Beginner Moose Hunting Equipment

Hi I'm Gregg and I plan on hunting moose this year. I was invited out to a hunting party for the fall hunt here in Ontario.

The only problem is that i have never gone hunting before, I don't have anyone in my family who hunts, and other than my gun (.32 win special model 94) and my camo hunting clothes I really have no other equipment.

Now I'm hoping that the guys I'm going up with will have a lot of equipment to go around but what stuff should I have so that I don't look like a rookie and a idiot when i go up there?

Any advice would be great!

Thanks Again

Hi Gregg,
Good luck on your hunt this year!

As a novice moose hunter the amount of gear you need can seem overwhelming! You should check with the guys you are going with and ask what they would like you to bring.
As for your personal moose hunting supplies...

A minimum list (to add to what you have):

Hunting pack (this will depend on the type moose hunting you are doing)
A good quality knife... must be razor sharp (or two)
Survival Kit
Plastic Bags
30 feet 3/8 braided rope

Other Suggested Items:

Knife sharpener
Moose call
Rain cold weather gear

The list goes on. Check out the moose hunting supplies page for more ideas. As well as our more detailed moose hunting gear list.

Comments for Beginner Moose Hunting Equipment

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Must have supplies
by: Soupy1957

At first you might laugh at this but, I like to have a basic First Aid kit in my pack. Not just for a Moose hunt, but for any trip into the woods.

First Aid Kit
by: Mark - The Mooseman

Hey Soupy, not at all. I also carry a basic First Aid kit. You never know!

Basic Equipment
by: Jim

I find the #1 piece of equipment for moose hunting, is a high quality pair or boots. Since most great moose hunting locations are swampy areas or involve a river or 2.

Also, when you get to that spot, you do not want to be fidgeting around because your feet are frozen solid (especially if you had to walk through a swamp to get there), because a moose that here a suspicious sound, might stop moving for hours, and will surely not leave thick cover.

I got myself a great pair of boots for about 175$ on sale, and a pair of Gortex socks for added protection, and it made a huge difference in my hunt, as I was not stopped by water (made portaging much easier and quicker) and I could reach the best hunting spots without having to worry about cold of wet feet.

Another piece of equipment that every one has at home but no one brings with them in the bush for hunting are wire cutters. Because when you find a great spot and you need a little bit more cover or a better shooting lane those wire cutters can cut branches and little trees while making A LOT less sound that you breaking them with your hands, or cutting them with a hatchet or pocket saw.

Hope this helps, good luck and happy huntin'

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