August Moose Hunting
by Pete
August Moose Hunting Northern BC
Photo by D. Sirois
Going to northern BC for opening day, August 15. Do you have any ideas on how I should hunt the moose up there that early.
Going to be on the east foothills of the Rockies.
Early season moose hunting tips question.
Thanks for your question Pete. Early in the season like that (mid August) is going to require some legwork and won't be without its challenges.
Northern BC offers some great hunting opportunities for the early season hunter, the main problem you will face is weather.
Moose go into heat stress at temperatures above 65 degrees F (18C), when temperatures like this are occurring moose will seek out deep dark forests to avoid those temps. Because the bull will not be in rut you are going to have to apply spot and stalk techniques to find them, not so easy when they are hiding in the thick forests.
I would suggest hunting higher elevations as the bulls usually stay high to avoid predators and bugs early in the year before dropping down into the valleys and lower elevations closer to the rut.
High elevation meadows and lakes, cool areas, thick forests are all places you'll need to seek out. Find some fresh sign and concentrate in those areas.
Early morning, daybreak on and late afternoon are when moose will move IF its cool enough for them. Sometimes they only move during the dark hours and will leave meadows even before daybreak and when they come out in the evening they may only show themselves when daylight is almost gone. Be sure to stay out until the last visible light is gone, you never know what will show at the last minute.
~ Mark